It isn’t just for soups.
Bone broth, dubbed the new Superfood, assists with supplementing your body with nutrients such as calcium, magnesium and phosphorus, iron, vitamins A and K, fatty acids, selenium, zinc and manganese, aids gut health and may even help you sleep!
Thought that bone broth was just for, well, broth? Think again!
Learn more about how versatile this super ingredient really is at Marrow’s broth demonstration on Saturday, 14 March, at 10am-12:30pm.
They’ll show you how they incorporate their clear, yellow, red and white broths into everything from breakfasts to finger food. The cost is R450 per person and includes recipes, tasters and tea.
Space is limited. Whatsapp Marelize on 073 225 3169 or email her at
Directions to Marrow
83 Loop street
Cape Town
074 795 7176