Five Flies Murder Mysteries

“Slutty Egyptian?” I asked, broodingly.

“No, wrong crowd.” Responded my hot date, ie. Best Friend.

“Oooh… This is nice!”

“No, you look like a pregnant, Egyptian ghost.”

“What about this one?”

“Ya, I like it.”

“Is this Egyptian?” I ask the store manager, desperately.

She shakes her head, “No, Victorian”.

“I’m going naked.”

Guilty until proven innocent.

The much-anticipated Five Flies Murder Mystery launch party is happening tomorrow night. As we’ve posted before, the restaurant will be running a series of Murder Mystery nights over the next few months, each with a different theme.

For the launch, we have each been sent a character whose life, history, secrets and personality traits we must learn. We’ve also been given certain pieces of information to leak, some to keep quiet and the stance that we are each 100% innocent of the alleged crime.

Here’s a list, in no particular order, of who’s attending, if I‘ve left you off, just comment and we’ll add you. The guest list is quite a cracker and I must say that there are a lot of people I’m really looking forward to meeting and even more who I can’t wait to see again.
































and of course @MarvinLeug and me, @KayliVee.

Will let you know who the bad guy eventually is and what you can expect when the actual Murder Mystery nights kick off on 1 June. Follow the hashtag #MurderMysteries tomorrow to see what’s happening.

I swear I’m not the killer.

(Evil laugh)

Five Flies Murder Mystery

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