Does your child have Masterchef potential? If so, get them learning early, and head down to the V&A Market every Saturday for an hour long Italian cooking class for young’uns aged 4 – 14.
Societa’ Dante Alighieri is offering a new Italian cuisine course. 1 lesson is R100 or attend all 6 lessons for R550. And to top it off, each lesson will be held in English and Italian so kids will learn the beauty of Italian as they cook!
15 February 2014
Cuori rossi per ripieni San Valentino
Red St Valentine Hearted Ravioli
22 February 2014
Gelato ai frutti di bosco fatto a mano con foglioline di cioccolato
Handmade berry ice cream with chocolate leaves
1 March 2014
Gnocchi fatti a mano con Burro e Salvia
Handmade Gnocchi with Butter and Sage
8 March 2014
Torta Caprese, la torta senza farina!
Flourless Capri Island Cake
15 March 2014
Sfogliatine alla pancetta
Bacon & Pastry Stuzzichini
22 March 2014
Creazioni di cioccolato
Chocolate Creations
For bookings and information, please contact or call 0733012107!