Introducing The Big Food Drive with Jeremy Loops

Help The Big Food Drive serve 10,000 meals to impoverished South Africans now living well below the breadline due to coronavirus-related lockdown.

At just 50c a meal, €5000 will feed 10,000 people.

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South Africa has one of the highest levels of inequality in the world with more than half of its population living in poverty. For all the good coronavirus-related lockdown does in stopping the spread of the disease it is pushing the millions already on the breadline into desperation. Families are starving. Government initiatives to feed the needy aren’t scaling fast enough, leaving millions unsure where or even how to get their next meal.

Thankfully community organisations and caring citizens are coming together to do something about this and help our vulnerable neighbours.

The Big Food Drive exists to aid these organisations, and pump resources into their efforts. This will start with 10,000 meals.

All it takes is R10,000 to fund a truckload of food that will provide 1,000 meals. That’s €500 (or $550) to feed 1,000 people, or 50c per meal. The starting target is R100,000 (€5,000), which is enough to provide 10,000 meals.

The Jeremy Loops team has already contributed R10,000 (€500) to get The Big Food Drive started:

With this R100,000 (€5000) sum, we’ll be working with Muizenberg-CAN to ramp up capacity in feeding local townships like Vrygrond and other places in need in the greater Muizenberg area, as well as sending food and resources to CANs further afield as the campaign grows.

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