FoodBlogCT News Week 41 2012

Thursday, the 11th October

The Real Bears is an impressive animated short film that was produced in order to tell the truth about the effects of Soda consumption

When it comes to making people feel good about a brand, no one does it more skillfully than Coca-Cola. Picture a perfectly multicultural, sun-dappled chorus wanting to teach the world to sing. [read more]

Effects of Soda Consumption

Celebs Ask Voters To Approve Mandatory GMO Labeling 

Celebrities from Danny DeVito to Dave Matthews and Bill Maher lent their voices to a new PSA in favor of California’s Proposition 37. The legislation, if passed, would require mandatory labeling of foods containing genetically modified organisms — commonly known as GMOs. [read more]

Celebs Fight for GMO Labelling

African countries face food insecurity

Three-quarters of African countries and several “Arab Spring” nations are at high or extreme risk of a food crisis, according to an analysis published on Wednesday. [read more]

SA! Prepare to pay more for food!

The truck drivers’ strike is resulting in losses by suppliers of fresh produce and driving up prices, Agri SA said on Tuesday. [read more]

Wednesday, the 10th October

Top International Food Blogs for 2012

The world of food writing has been shaped and influenced dramatically by food bloggers. All it takes is a great idea, knowledge about a specific topic, and a publishing platform to join in the community. Right? Though that may be true, there is a reason why some food blogs are so successful while so many others remain relevant for only a small handful of the author’s friends and family members. So what makes a great food blog? [read more]

Nun Caught Stealing Beer

We don’t really see how this conflicts with vows of poverty, chastity or obedience, honestly. In fact, it may be a charitable act; she’s probably just picking this up for some needy teenagers. [read more]

Nun Stealing Beer

School Lunch Lady Told That Her Food Is ‘Too Good,’ And Forced To Make Cuts!

Annika Eriksson, a school lunch lady in Falun, Sweden, has been told to dumb down her food a bit. Well-loved for baking fresh bread every day and offering a huge buffet of vegetables, she was recently told by school officials to start using store-bought bread and cut her vegetable options in half because it’s not fair to students in other schools, who don’t receive the same caliber of food in their cafeterias. [read more]

Wine And Food Pairings Explained By Science

Findings published in the October 9th issue of Current Biology suggests that mouthfeel, the way food feels in our mouths, is responsible for the phenomenon. In a release, the publication’s publisher, Cell Press, explains that “astringent wine and fatty meat are like the yin and yang of the food world, sitting on opposite ends of a sensory spectrum.” [read more]

The Science of Wine & Food Pairings

Tuesday, the 9th October

Gourmet Boerie launches in South Africa

The Boerie is coming! It is no secret that Boerewors is one of the most renowned traditional dishes in the South African cuisine. Whether you braai it with your chops, steam it with mash and veggies or eat it on your meaty pizza, every South African loves a good boerie – especially with an ice cold Craft Beer! But like most good things, the traditional boerie is due for an upgrade and thus a diverse group of top South African entrepreneurs would like to introduce to South Africa: GOURMET BOERIE. [more info]

Gourmet Boerie Cape Town

Woman Drinks Liquid Nitrogen Cocktail,…and nearly dies!

Adding liquid nitrogen, which creates a steaming “cauldron effect,” to drinks or food is not an uncommon practice. However, since Scanlon’s emergency surgery, the United Kingdom’s Food Standards Agency has issued a warning, telling consumers to “take care when drinking cocktails made with this substance.” [read more]

Liquid Nitrogen Cocktail

Can a Half-star Difference on Yelp Destroy a Restaurant’s Business?

According to two Berkeley economists who’ve run a statistical treatment on 328 restaurants in Yelp’s most active market, it looks like the effect is pretty significant. For restaurants that have little information available online outside of Yelp — therefore nowhere else for people get info on their location — will sell out 27% more often with a half-star increase. [read more]

The salt content of food is going up!

THE sodium content of more than 28,000 processed foods has risen by an average 9 per cent in the past four years, researchers have found, warning that urgent action is needed to reduce salt intake in the Australian population. [read more]

Food Salt Contents

Monday, the 8th October

“Hi, I’m Chris Walken and we’re gonna make a chicken…I think!” Love it. #CookingwithWalken

Christopher Walken lives a charmed life. He gets to do any movie he wants and still gets the respect of America. In his off time, he makes Funny Or Die videos of trips to the grocery store with Richard Belzer and then cooking a chicken. [read more]


Dr. Oz Says Food Porn Is Making Us Fat – We’re Not Buying It!

Dr. Oz invited three respected food personalities — Joe Bastianich, Gail Simmons and Amanda Simpson of Food Porn Daily — on the show to discuss whether or not food porn is making us fat. If this seems initially ridiculous, don’t worry, it gets worse! [read more]

Dr Oz FoodPorn

SA Restaurant Trends – What’s next?

For better or worse, we tend to follow the international food directions, fads and fashions. So we are currently in a phase of “easy eating” in which the café or bistro-style menu is favoured and has even replaced the more formal or “French” haute cuisine as a sign of luxury. [read more]

Pick n Pay plummets on profits warning

Shares in Pick n Pay [JSE:PIK] fall more than 6% as the food retailer says first-half profit likely declined by as much as 40% due to intensified competition and poor availability of stock from suppliers. [read more]

Curry & Craft with F.east

Catering Services in Cape Town