About Us & Contact


On FoodBlogCT, we want to introduce our readers to the huge variety of restaurants in Cape Town – unique experiences; different cuisines, different places to fall in love!

Having started in 2009 with only a few hundred readers a month, the community has now grown to over 300,000 members on various social media platforms and the www.food-blog.co.za website generating more than 150,000 page views ever single month as well as a newsletter database of 35,000 subscribers. 

For restaurants, we offer one of the most affordable marketing packages in media starting at R250/month which utilises all our channels to generate exposure around what’s happening at your restaurant. [more info]

Communities are set up for Cape Town, Pretoria, Johannesburg, Durban, Lowveld and the Garden Route.

Contact us!

  • Email: marvin(at)food-blog.co.za
  • Cell: 0722714168

We love hearing from our readers. Please let us know about hidden gems in your city that we should try and feature.

If you represent a restaurant, please find more information about our marketing support for restaurants

Beef Fillet stuffed with Feta Recipe by Fairview

Zepi Grill & Bar