Add R5 to your Bill at Carlucci’s Meerendal to assist Local Communities

COVID-19 – the reason many people are going hungry right now.

While everyone has felt the impact of this virus, it is easy to forget that many of our poorer communities face a bleak future with no income and empty bellies. Regulations that allow for the greater nation to fight this pandemic, result in increasing difficulty for communities such as Lavendar Hill and Dunoon and many others like them. There is no easy answer. But there is always a way to help.

Soul Donations is a non-profit organisation that strives to help communities in need by providing Corporate Social Responsibility consulting, fund raising for charities, food and clothing collection for donating and volunteering. Everyone can assist and partner with them through financial donations, helping with programme delivery and support.

That’s precisely what Carlucci’s Meerendal did!

Carlucci’s Meerendal knows what it’s like to cater for a party of 200 and now they’ve turned their attention to 300 creche children, making sure they have food on a weekly basis.

How can you be involved?

Do your bit by simply going to Carlucci’s Meerendal and adding R5 to your bill. This will go towards feeding local communities that are in need. Carlucci’s is open for both sit-down guests who can order food from the deli or take-away/collection.

For more information on Soul Donations, visit

Directions to Carlucci’s Meerendal
Meerendal Wine Estate
Vissershok road
021 612 0015


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