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  • Supper Lounge Cape Town

    “Kayli, do you want to go to a dinner based on the 10 commandments?” “Hahahahhaha!” “I’m being serious.” “What?” “Dinner. The 10 commandments.” “That’s weird.” “There are 10 courses.” “Yes, I’d love to.” Blood. Theft. Adultery. Dinner. The launch of the Supper Lounge at 6 Spin Street was catered by the young and talented, Johnny […] More

  • Grind me more! Thoughts on pepper.

    It’s a topic that caused a heated debate. Harsh words were said. Punches were thrown. Gangs flocked the streets. All because the simple question was asked about whether or not people liked waiters to grind their pepper for them. I have always hated it. I’m a huge salt and pepper lover and I like to […] More

  • What’s Cooking SA?

    Chutney.People put it next to their curry. Sometimes they chuck it in sauces, in marinades. For the rest of its poor existence it sits in the fridge, waiting, no, longing to be used. We all know South African favourite, Mrs.H.S Balls. It’s one of those things that you don’t appreciate until you move overseas and […] More

  • Narona Review

    The Flatmate came home from work the other night to find on the couch. “Kayli, what’s wrong?” she asked hesitantly. “Nothing” “Umm… Are you sure?” “Yes” “Ok then” she walked towards her room. “I’m hungry but I feel like home cooked food! There’s nothing in the fridge to cook but I don’t feel like going […] More

  • Beluga Review

    Beluga. Beluuuuuuuga. BeLUga. BELUUUUUGA! Just the name has people either scowling in resentment or drooling with desire. For a city that is so laid back, it’s managed to become one of Cape Town’s more controversial restaurants between the Whale Cottage debacle of 2009 and the Shaun Oakes saga of 2012, among other scandalous tit-bits. The […] More

  • Five Flies Mystery Dinner Launch

    “I did not kill that man,” I announced dramatically, with a flip of my hair and a flick of the wrist, “It was obviously one of you!” I live for drama. And attention. And fun. And dress up. Oh and of course, food. So combine them all and you practically have my heroin. As I […] More

  • Delicious Deliveries Review

    “Men think women dream about meeting the perfect man; but actually, we dream about eating whatever we want and not getting fat.” So true. Oh how I dream of lazing about, Bloody Mary in hand, while food is brought to me as I please. Such a wonderful world it would be. However I already have […] More

  • The Upper Eastside Hotel Organic Garden

    IF ANYONE HAS FOUND MY BALLS, PLEASE LEAVE THEM AT RECEPTION. THANKS. I wrote a funny intro but deleted it. It’s because I didn’t back myself. It was current, funny, it linked perfectly to what I was saying in this review, but couldn’t bring myself to say it. Why? Because I was scared it wasn’t […] More

  • Five Flies Murder Mysteries

    “Slutty Egyptian?” I asked, broodingly. “No, wrong crowd.” Responded my hot date, ie. Best Friend. “Oooh… This is nice!” “No, you look like a pregnant, Egyptian ghost.” “What about this one?” “Ya, I like it.” “Is this Egyptian?” I ask the store manager, desperately. She shakes her head, “No, Victorian”. “I’m going naked.” Guilty until […] More

  • Cooking pressure? What cooking pressure?

    The other night I was on the couch -as per usual- and my flatmate put a chicken on the kitchen counter. I wondered what she was doing but carried on watching TV anywhere. She sidled over to me and nonchalantly said, “Look Kayl, we have chicken”. I glanced over at the chicken and noticed that […] More

  • Taste of Cape Town 2012 Review

    Where are all the drunks? “I feel like I am at a music festival. A music festival with great food. And clean people.” There have been a lot of people saying how expensive Taste of Cape Town (T0CT) was and to an extent I agree. Early-bird tickets cost R50 and those who bought later, R80. […] More

  • Cafe Paradiso Review

    I bought Café Paradiso! Yay! It’s mine! I am converting it back into a house and I shall live in it, very happily, for many years to come. That’s what I dreamt about after going there for dinner. From the moment I set foot in the restaurant I fell in love with it completely. The […] More