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  • The Weird Ones

    Bucketlists, like New Years resolutions, are things I have never been very good at sticking with. I forget about them, get over them, or realise that they make no significant difference to my life and decide to focus on something else that interests me more. Until now. Now I have a mission. It’s a mission […] More

  • Spiro’s Hout Bay Review

    I wrote a long intro. I liked it. It made me giggle. But with the amount of food I am about to take you through, a long intro wouldn’t be appreciated. Spiro’s is an Authentic Greek restaurant in the heart of Hout Bay. Although I’m not normally one for travelling (originally from Durban, it’s engrained […] More

  • Sushibox Opening Review

    Everyone who has read my Aqua reviews (yes, I wrote two), knows how much I love Terry Zhou’s sushi. The restaurant itself may not have been run all that well, but you could never fault it on the quality, range and inventiveness of the sushi. But then Aqua closed down. The night I found out […] More

  • The Reserve Review

    Over the last few months, I read and heard about this club slash restaurant slash bar, which opened up in Cape Town, called “The Reserve”. I heard it was fancy. I heard it was pretentious. I heard that it was extravagant. I heard that only the rich and famous went there. I heard so much […] More

  • Jackal and Hide Launch Review

    The launch of Jackal & Hide last week, saw the who’s who of Cape Town come together to eat, drink and be merry. It was a night of class, elegan… Pffft, who am I kidding. I don’t write “who’s who”, I didn’t know most of the people there and I pretty much sat with my […] More

  • Keenwa Peruvian Restaurant Review

    Me: I’m going to a Peruvian restaurant. Friend: Cool. What do Peruvians’ eat? Me: Uhhh… food. Friend: Ya, what food? Me: Food, food. It goes in their mouths. They eat it. You know, food? Friend: Gosh, you are wise. To be honest, up until last week I pretty much knew ‘zilch’ about Peruvian food. I […] More

  • A Tavola Review

    In my last review I allowed a platter of starters to defeat me. I am ashamed. How I could have let this happen I’m not quite sure. Many people actually messaged me to say they were disappointed in my level of gluttony. I disappointed myself. I knew I had to up my game. What could […] More

  • Rocca Cape Quarter Review

    Do you remember that advert where the guy was so comfortable in the hotel that he was staying in, that he walked around half-naked? If not, Google it. If you do remember, well, that was me last week. Half-naked, in a restaurant, drinking tea. I am lying. Lying through my teeth. At no point was […] More

  • La Mouette Tasting Menu Review

    I love a bit of friendly competition and I love food. So combining the two can only be a good time. When my friend and I went to La Mouette the other night and each had one of their tasting menus, and created the “My Menu is Better than Yours” competition. Best competition ever. La […] More

  • El Burro Review

    14 years ago I suffered from a particularly unpleasant bout of food poisoning after eating a dodgy taco; ever since I have been weary of Mexican food. So when El Burro opened in Greenpoint, I wasn’t all that thrilled at the prospect of trying out what I heard was a homage to traditional Mexican cuisine. […] More

  • The Mussel Bar Review

    The other day I had the following conversation: Friend: Do ya wanna go to The Mussel Bar? Me: Yes. Where is it? Friend: Camps Bay. Me: No, I can’t go. Friend: Why? Me: Um.. I need to go bath my pet.. umm.. ferret. Friend: Stop being an idiot. Me: My ferret is waiting. Friend: Shut […] More

  • Neighbourhood Long Street Restaurant Review

    I’m peeved off. Very peeved off. If you follow me on Twitter (which you should: @KayliVee) you would know that I went to Neighbourhood for dinner the other night. There were quite a few of us and the restaurant was full, so I understood that service may be just a little bit slow. It took […] More