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  • Andiamo Cape Quarter Review

    When I turned 14 I decided that from that day forward, I wouldn’t even look at a carb after 5pm because this new diet would miraculously make me skinny. I was so dedicated to this new eating regimen that for a good 7 years I stuck to it. Until I found Andiamo. Andiamo is a […] More

  • Xiang Yuan Review

    A friend and I were walking down the road and the conversation went as follows: Me: Lets just walk until we find somewhere interesting to eat. Friend: Ok. What do you feel like? I don’t feel like Asian food. Me: Me neither, lets find a pub. Then all of a sudden we saw the following […] More

  • The Kitchen Review

    Woodstock has quite a bad rep. Yeah, I wouldn’t want my car to break down there late at night, while my Blackberry flashes that awkward orange colour and tells me that “the battery is too low for radio use” (in other words, its dead) but really, during the day, it’s great. Art galleries, furniture boutiques, […] More

  • Top of the Ritz Restaurant Review

    As a kid, nothing got me quite like a gimmick. Little dolls whose nappies went blue or pink when you bathed them to determine gender, lollypops with a whistle at the bottom and shoes with lights in them! Now that I am slightly more grown up its pens with torches at the top, laptops which […] More

  • How to get Home when Partying in Cape Town

    As we all know, drinking and driving is bad. Very bad. So instead of being a complete and utter fool and getting behind the wheel after a few drinks here are a few alternatives. Swing low sweet chariot There are few things better then a sneaky bender (n. The act of a party sneaking up […] More

  • Quick Beer Bread Recipe

    A light bread that is given warmth and depth through quite a substantial amount of beer. It’s great left plain, or in the final 5 minutes of cooking, sprinkle on some grated yellow cheese and even some spring onion. Thick slices, slathered with butter are great for a gourmet sandwich and dunked in to soup, […] More

  • Beer Can Braai Butt Chicken Recipe

    Yeah, this one has an awful name, but it’s pretty awesome. Marinade a chicken for a good 24 hours before cooking. Open a can of beer and drink half, then spoon in a table spoon of your marinade. Shove, I mean, insert the beer up the chickens’ rear end. Place the entire thing balanced upright […] More

  • Fugu Review

    The last time I won anything, I was 12 years old and my prize was 6 tickets to the circus. I thought I was the shizznizz. Since then I haven’t been the luckiest individual (although I insist that one day I will win the lotto) until the other day, when I followed @FuguRestaurant on Twitter […] More

  • Headquarters HQ Review

    I once went to a restaurant which advertised itself as a Mediterranian-European-Asian-fusion-style-restaurant-with-an-American-and-South-African-undertone. There were so many choices on the 26 page menu that I promptly picked myself up and left. I am not a great fan of enormous variety on a menu because it spreads the kitchen to thin. Whether it is that the chefs […] More

  • Beefcakes Review

    I’ve been to Beefcakes twice and on both occasions I have two feelings which stick out above all others. 1. Happy and 2. Drunk. Beefcakes, is a 50’s style burger bar found in the heart of Greenpoint. Pretty much everything is pink or white, including the decorative flamingos, piano and glitter balls. There’s a stage […] More

  • Seared Trout with Spinach Recipe

    The other day I popped over to my sister’s house for lunch. Now we have a little bit of a thing going, she goes shopping and then I raid her cupboards for the ingredients I want, and cook. It’s a win-win situation for the both of us. So you can imagine my excitement when I […] More

  • Hangover Cures

    I swear I am never drinking again. I have heard this line many times as friends lay curled up, white in the face, hands shaking, a sheen of sweat on their foreheads, reeking of the night before. This is also one of the greatest promises ever broken, along with “I swear this is my last […] More