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  • My opinion is important, ‘cause I’m a blogger

    Hi, my name is Kayli and I am a blogger. I literally whispered that as I typed it. Why? Because we have a bad rep. People hate bloggers. People are bloggist. I have been relatively safe. I‘ve kept my head down; been honest, but kind; not caused any chaos, but still, I’ve had my fair […] More

  • Sevruga Waterfront Review

    Who would have thought that slapping together a chunk of raw fish, a clump of sticky rice, a slice of avo and dried seaweed could taste so amazingly good? It’s like cows’ milk, how did the person who realised that it was drinkable, explain the discovery to their friends? I love sushi. It makes me […] More

  • Thai Red Curry

    I love me a good curry. I want my curry to be so hot and spicy that I break out into an awkward forehead sweat – sexy, I know. There are so many varieties of curry that I am not being very descriptive. The truth is I really do love them all, except when the […] More

  • Microwave Mug Cake

    I haven’t got much of a sweet tooth so I am not one to keep chocolate or cake or anything of the sort at home. However sometimes I do get that little craving which annoying knocks on the inside of my skull saying, “Hey Kayli.. *knock knock* yeah you.. pssst, Kayli. I want chocolate. Now”. […] More

  • Royale Eatery Review

    I’m crying the worlds’ largest tears. Imagine the Oros man had his Oros taken away, imagine his tears, but not orange – that how big my tears are. I went to Royale in Long Street the other night for what I was told was going to be the burger experience of my life. Pffft. I began […] More

  • Eastern Food Bazaar Review

    I’m always hungry. I’m not lying here, if it weren’t true that I would end up looking like an overweight T-rex, I would eat continuously for every waking hour. However, I’m a student and therefore don’t have huge amounts of cash dollar to burn. So when I first encountered the ever so affordable, Eastern Food […] More

  • Vegetarian and Banting friendly menu launches at Tobago’s Restaurant

    Personally, I am not one for a bant or to be a vegetarian. It’s just not for me. But on a scale one 1 to delicious vege and banting menus, this one is getting high marks from me. Tobago’s  has launched this new menu as a part of their general offering. That creamy mushroom and cashew curry […] More