Banhoek Chilli Oil- the ultimate Festive Season Accompaniment

Take all the stresses out of season gifting and holiday hosting with a little help from a fiery ‘old-flame’, Banhoek Chilli Oil.

The ultimate stocking filler gift, ideal for your foodie friends and guaranteed to earn you a few gourmet gold stars this Christmas.

Combine a beautifully wrapped version with a wooden braai board or some other local foodie finds for a useful and innovative corporate gift or stock up on a few as your festive season staples- handy to have on hand as dinner party ‘thank you’ tokens for summer season entertaining.

Lovers of the braai and green forward-thinkers will also delight in the new zero-waste briquettes on offer. Another innovative offering, recycled entirely from chilli oil production waste – a further commitment from the team to creating environmentally-friendly products and getting as close to being carbon neutral as possible.

From must-have products to a clever little DIY hack for those looking for the ultimate in thoughtful Christmas gifting that doesn’t have to break the bank, BCO shows us how to make your own ‘Spicy Gingerbread Christmas Cookies’, when combined with a wrapped bottle of the renowned local oil makes for a memorable ‘mmmm’ moment and nifty gift. Package in glass jars for further eco brownie points!

After a bumper year with international food festivals, finding homes in over 800 stores nationwide and placement in UK, European, US, Dubai, New Zealand and Australian markets- Banhoek Chilli Oil is living up to the mantra of ‘big ideas start from small seeds’. Now with a state-of-the-art new home in the magnificent Banhoek Valley, guests are welcome to visit the working kitchen of Banhoek Chilli Oil Co, as they serve up chilli-inspired dishes suitable for the whole family, tutored oil tastings and exclusive wine tastings.  A must for your holiday planning list!

Suitable for Vegan, Halaal and Kosher diets – we guarantee this will soon be your go-to for every dish, packing both fire and flavour!’



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