Woolies making green easy!

Let’s be honest, we all want to go green and save the world, but it isn’t easy. This type of paper goes here, that type there, but not if it’s dirty, but yes for some dirt. It’s a pain.

Woolies heard the cries of the people (ok, that’s a bit dramatic, but they realized). So, they’re developing a new range of recycling labels that make it easy to know what you can and can’t recycle, which means more stuff goes into the right bin, and the wrong stuff doesn’t contaminate the good. You with me? Because guess what, WastePlan, a South African recycling company, says that of the 150 000 households that participate in their recycling programme, more than 10% of material is contaminated and ends up on the landfill.


The new labels let you know what component of the packaging is; the type of material it’s made from (including what sustainable materials are used); and whether or not each element is being recycled in South Africa, or not.

Using the same icons on packaging designs across the retail and waste management sector will improve the rate of recycling… Our aim is for the design of the Woolworths on-pack recycling label to become the adopted standard for all packaging in South Africa – Kiril Dimitrov, Woolworths Foods Packaging Manager.

The Woolworths on-pack recycling label can be seen in-store on a select number of product lines. They aim to have at least 20% of products displaying the new label by March 2014.

Our approach to packaging is about achieving the right balance between ensuring that products remain protected and… that the product remains safe and hygienic. Our packaging also extends the shelf life for as long as possible so that additional food waste is not created. We are committed to using packaging responsibly – good old Dimitrov.

Woolies have always been the first to trial and implement new and exciting things, and this is just another notch on their never-ending belt. Pretty cool, Woolies, pretty cool.

For more information on Woolworths commitment to waste management, go to www.woolworths.co.za/goodbusinessjourney

Written by Marvin

Founder of many things but FoodBlogJHB FoodBlogCT, FoodBlogDBN being my biggest project to date. UCT marketing graduate, Star Wars geek and Arsenal & Dortmund supporter. That's me!

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