Man up this June for Men’s Health Month with Cape Town Gin

The month of June puts the focus on men’s health in South Africa, and the announcement of a new partnership between The Men’s Foundation and Cape Town Gin.

Celebrated each year during June, Men’s Health Month encourages men and boys to take their health into their own hands by bringing awareness to the health issues all men face and encouraging early detection and treatment.

It’s estimated that, on average, South African men have a seven-year lower life expectancy than women, and according to the Men’s Foundation South Africa, prostate cancer cases will increase by 140% in 2030. In addition, South Africa has the third-highest suicide rate on the continent, with an estimated 23 suicides per day in South Africa, while men are four times more likely to die by suicide than women.

Worldwide statistics suggest that men are less likely than women to seek out professional help when it comes to their health and are often much sicker when they eventually do. This has resulted in an increasing number of men being diagnosed with late-stage cancer.

For the Cape Town Gin & Spirits Company, a premium local gin brand, it is clear that serious intervention is needed. For the founders behind the brand, there is a stigma surrounding men talking openly about their health, whether it is physically or mentally, that needs to be addressed and changed.

“Man up. Be a man. Suck it up. These phrases teach us from a young age that you are weak for showing vulnerability and the only acceptable behaviour for boys is to swallow whatever you are feeling,” says Craig van der Venter, founder and managing director of Cape Town Gin & Spirits Company. “When they grow up, they become men who think that asking for help means they aren’t real ‘men’, which is how we find ourselves where we are now.”

“We wanted to partner with an organisation that works on educating the public but also creating an environment that is free of judgement so that we can be open about challenges faced by men, especially in South Africa,” he explains.

With the Men’s Foundation of South Africa setting the benchmark within our developing nations challenges with men’s health, it seemed like the natural fit. The NPO strives to raise awareness and funds to address the key health and social challenges facing South African men, including prostate and testicular cancer, mental health/depression and GBV prevention.

As with the Cape Town Pink Lady Gin that supports PinkDrive and the Cape Town Black Rhino Gin which raises funds for The Boucher Legacy, for every Cape Town Classic Dry bottle sold, a portion of the proceeds made will go to the Men’s Foundation to raise funds to help men live happier, healthier and longer lives. According to the Men’s Foundation, donations are split across these key areas: awareness and education, and research and survivorship.

“The greatest gift you can give your loved ones is living a long, happy life,” adds Van der Venter. “And that means asking for help when you need it – and not feeling shame for doing so.”

This June (and really throughout the year!), it’s time for men and boys (and you reading this) to take ownership of their physical health and mental well-being. And support continued intervention by purchasing a bottle of Cape Town Classic Dry Gin to help the Men’s Foundation with their work on changing the trajectory of men and boys’ lives in South Africa.

For more information on the work of the Men’s Foundation, visit the website at

  • Follow the Cape Town Gin & Spirits Company on Facebook and Instagram to keep up to date on all the latest news and offerings, and book your gin tasting at the new Cape Town Gin & Spirits Emporium at the V&A Waterfront on the website.

Written by Marvin

Founder of many things but FoodBlogJHB FoodBlogCT, FoodBlogDBN being my biggest project to date. UCT marketing graduate, Star Wars geek and Arsenal & Dortmund supporter. That's me!

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