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  • 2 Incredible Cocktails thanks to Cherry Time

    Cherries have been called the nectar of the gods, a butterfly’s kiss, and the deepest wish of a hummingbird’s heart… Here’s how to weave their spell into your very own elixir. CHERRY LANE COCKTAIL This sophisticated potion offers a balance between the sweetness of fresh cherries and the spicy hit of American Rye whiskey, with […] More

  • The History of The Old Fashioned with Angostura

    Made trendy once again by the rise in popularity of the hit TV show “Mad Men”, the Old Fashioned cocktail’s history goes even further back than that. Lore says that the name actually goes back to people asking for a drink made the “old fashioned” way back in the 1800s. Traditionally made with bourbon or […] More

  • Celebrate Old Fashioned Week with Monkey Shoulder

    Here’s how to drag the Old Fashioned into 2021 Yes, we said it, the Old Fashioned Week may be old fashioned. Okay, yes, it’s a classic, but perhaps it needs a bit of a shake up; not a massive one, just enough not to break a sweat. In our view, the classic Old Fashioned perhaps […] More