4th Street Wine

“Kayli, what are those on your desk?”

“I dunno”

“Have you tasted them yet?”

“No, I’m scared”


“Because they look like fun… and hangover”

Just after they first went to market, I was sent a whole bunch of 4th Street Wine 300ml bottles. As pretty as they are, I kinda just stared at them for a while, not really knowing exactly when I should drink them.

On the press release it said that they, “invite consumers to enjoy an array of new wine-drinking occasions, made possible by single serve convenience”.  BUT WHEN? WHEN SHOULD I DRINK WINE OUT OF A LITTLE BOTTLE?

So (don’t hate me 4th Street) I forgot about them in my fridge.

And then I was invited to their official launch and I remembered them again. Upon arrival to their 50s themed party of note, I tried one for the very first time. At first my face kinda scrunched up. But then I went in for another sip. And it wasn’t bad. The third sip was even better. And the fourth? Well, it was easy.


For wine drinkers who aren’t in to sweet wines, they take a bit getting used to. But for someone who likes them sweet, or doesn’t drink wine because it’s too strong, these lightly sparkled sweet wines, are a good starting point.

They aren’t made for dinner parties. They’re made for parties, for fun, for picnics, for hot afternoons on your balcony when you want to drink something light, but don’t want to get drunk. They’re more in the territory of a Brutal Fruit or a Spritzer (again, don’t hate me 4th Street). The cliché “chick drink”, that you see plenty men drinking quietly in the corner.

Congrats on hosting a stunning launch 4th Street Wines, you had me drinking these all night, and guess what, I didn’t wake up with a hangover.

Kayli Vee

Written by Kayli Vee

Copywriter at an ad agency and co-owner of the Foodblog Group. I heart oysters, Bloody Marys, biltong and clever advertising.

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