Future Farm: Eating better starts with savvy plant-based shopping!

Eating better starts with your shopping.

Fill your basket with a balanced selection of healthy ingredients and it naturally leads to eating healthier meals.

But where to start?

The last thing you want to do is open the fridge, take fright at shelves packed only with salad, and reach straight for the UberEats app.

Work out a few easy meals as you write your shopping list and start with the protein. A plant-based protein such as Future mince can be the basis of any number of satisfying and tasty meals. Quick to cook and easy to spice up in a multitude of ways it should be a staple in any healthy eating fridge.

Future mince even makes salad interesting – those plain old lettuce leaves suddenly sparkle with freshness when used as cups or wraps, holding Future mince spiced up with garlic, vegan fish sauce, lime, chili and herbs and served with a tamarind dipping sauce. Add some sticky rice, cucumber and lime wedges and it’s a feast worth sharing with friends for lazy weekend lunches.

So, what makes Future mince a healthy choice in your shopping basket?

It’s pure plant-based protein using only natural ingredients – a mixture of GMO-free, gluten-free soy, chickpea, and pea protein, with beetroot for colour and coconut and canola oil for juiciness and balanced fat content. It’s free of dairy and artificial aromas, is certified to be sustainably harvested and deforestation-free – so no forests cut down to grow the soy – and is Halaal approved.

Future mince is incredibly versatile.

Brown it in a little olive oil for five minutes or so, then stir in into a tomato sauce for pasta, mix with softened onions and chopped vegetables as the basis for a cottage pie, or with tomatoes, chili, and black beans for chili sans carne. The main difference between Future mince and beef mince is that it takes so much less time to cook. No long slow cooking needed, just stir the browned Future mince into the sauce or other ingredients at the end of the cooking time and it’s good to go.

So, whether you are eating less meat for health reasons, or to do your bit to help the planet, or both, steer your trolley to the meat section at Checkers and look out for the Future Farm logo and their range of meatless meats. Future mince and the rest of the range – Future burgers, sausages, and meatballs – are a great start to a shopping list that helps you eat better all through the week.

Future Farm arrived in South Africa in July 2021 and is available nationwide through Checkers.


Written by Marvin

Founder of many things but FoodBlogJHB FoodBlogCT, FoodBlogDBN being my biggest project to date. UCT marketing graduate, Star Wars geek and Arsenal & Dortmund supporter. That's me!

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