AquaSky: Are the youth making an impact?

With August being the month of International Youth Day and the World celebrates or recognises the youth for various reasons, we often forget to step back and look at the impact they are creating on environmental sustainability. And we’re not talking social media campaigns, we’re talking real impact.

Whilst some may argue the impact is slow, others argue that the impact the new generation is having on big business is working.

But what is breaking-through and having a huge impact on environmental sustainability is innovation, led by new-age forward-thinking corporations, business leaders and mavericks.

One such South African company that was driven by both innovation and environmental sustainability is Aquasky. Literally cultivating water from the atmosphere, it is then collected in a condensation process and filtered. With an eco-friendly bottled range that is made from sugar cane and is 100% compostable, Aquasky is passionate about creating real impact and revitalising not only us mere humans, but also Mother Earth.

So here’s to the new generation! May they continue to inspire change and innovation, through ongoing dialogue that make us all think – and set about a notion, or two.

To find out more about Aquasky and the product range, please visit .


Written by Marvin

Founder of many things but FoodBlogJHB FoodBlogCT, FoodBlogDBN being my biggest project to date. UCT marketing graduate, Star Wars geek and Arsenal & Dortmund supporter. That's me!

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