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  • Salmon Ceviche Recipe

    Salmon Ceviche Recipe Find smoked salmon too salty? Then it’s time to try ceviche. The Spanish method of curing raw fish in citrus is easier than you’d think. You don’t even need electricity. Ceviche is a good brunch addition (try it with baked eggs!) or a dish you could enjoy as a light, summer lunch. […] More

  • Zucchini and Vanilla Soup Recipe

    Zucchini and Vanilla Soup Recipe

    Zucchini and Vanilla Soup Recipe by @TianaTweets Some like it hot… like me. Cold soup just gives me the heebie-jeebies. Gazpacho? No thank you. That said, this pretty green soup works well as both a cold starter (I’m not judging) or hot main served with a chunk of freshly-baked bread and butter. You can simply […] More

  • Easy quinoa salad recipe with pine nuts and pomegranate

    Quinoa, pine nut and pomegranate salad by @TianaTweets Spring is coming. Can I get a hell yeah? This easy quinoa salad is the perfect accompaniment alongside a piece of fish, it’s also something delicious to feed your vegan friends. What I love most about it is how it feels in your mouth – the pop of […] More

  • Tantalising Tart

    There are certain combinations in life that you just can’t go wrong with. Chicken and mushroom. Prawn and peri-peri. Steak, egg and chips. Vodka and lime. Oops, that one just slipped out. And another great combo goes something like this… Tantalising Tart. This is a rework of a dish that my mom used to make […] More

  • Posh Pregos Recipe

    “You need to write recipes for Mediterranean Deli?” “Yup”, I replied. “So, you have to make up a new kind of Humus?” “They don’t just make humus!” “Yes they do! Are you going to use humus?” “I dunno yet.” “I like eating it with a spoon.” “Gosh, you’re helpful.” I’ve been itching to get my […] More

  • Beef Wellington Recipe

    There is nothing quite like a Beef Wellington. Nothing. Perfect, golden pastry, succulent, pink fillet and delicious, rich gravy. Beef Wellington is a gift from *insert who ever you believe in here*. I invited a gang over for dinner to make some of this amazingness for them but I was a tad nervous as I’d […] More

  • Classic Salad with Smoked Chicken and a Mayo & Mustard Dressing

    This is the last recipe in a series of post for Mediterranean Delicacies. They’ve asked us to create dishes making use of their products. We’ve posted 5 recipes so far which I’ve listed below if you haven’t had the chance to look at them yet. Traditional Greek Salad Cheeseburger with a home-made Ranch sauce A tantalising […] More

  • The ZZ2 Avocado Recipe Challenge

    I don’t trust people who don’t like avocado. I mean, what is there about them not to absolutely love? Avo season is literally one of my favourite times of the year as I can eat these orbs of goodness with joyous abandon. So when I was asked by ZZ2 to create an avocado-based recipe for […] More