Almost all of Carl Penn’s earliest memories involve food. Most vivid are fond childhood memories helping his Mom in the kitchen with her baking and braaiing outside with Dad. His never ending search for the freshest and highest quality ingredients have taken him to the most remote corners of the fair Cape in search of the best components to his recipes. His philosophy on simple yet bold flavours has ushered Peddlars into a new culinary future.
Have a look at Carl’s blog on the Peddlars website where he posts his favourite recipes straight from the Volare menu.
We’ve added one of his recipes below: Pasta proscuitto e funghi. At Volare, they use imported prosciutto from Italy for that authentic flavour and the great smokiness and saltiness it brings to this dish. They also use a mix of mushrooms as each has subtle differences in flavour that harmonises the dish!
Ingredients: (Serves 4)
- Pasta (dry or fresh for the Masterchefs out there!)
- 1 onion
- 100g Prosciutto (if you can’t get your hands on prosciutto, a good quality ham is a great substitute)
- 250g Mixed mushrooms
- 250ml Sweet full cream
- A glass of good white wine
- Parmesan (grated)
- Put a pot of water on high heat for the pasta.
- Chop the onion and sauté with a bit of oil stirring occasionally not letting the onion stick to the pan.
- When the onion begins to colour, add the ham and keep on stirring occasionally.
- Add the cream and keep stirring.
- The pasta water should be ready to boil by now, so add a small handful of salt to the water and when it boils put in the pasta.
- Put the mushrooms into the pan.
- Check the pasta every once in a while and right before the pasta is “al dente” add the cheese to the sauce pan and stir the sauce.
- Add salt and pepper to the sauce to taste. (I suggest going lightly on the pepper at this stage and adding it on top as decoration and final seasoning as it tastes and looks amazing!)
- Strain the pasta and add to the sauce and mix well to coat every piece of pasta with liberal amounts of cream and sauce.
- Put the pasta in plates, add the freshly ground pepper and enjoy!
Pasta Prosciutto e Funghi, done!