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  • Cooking pressure? What cooking pressure?

    The other night I was on the couch -as per usual- and my flatmate put a chicken on the kitchen counter. I wondered what she was doing but carried on watching TV anywhere. She sidled over to me and nonchalantly said, “Look Kayl, we have chicken”. I glanced over at the chicken and noticed that […] More

  • Saucy Asian Meatballs Recipe

    On Sunday, a few of us got together to have dinner and afterwards play a bit of Nintendo Wii & 30 Seconds. Our host made a few traditional Bulgarian dishes while everyone else brought a little something as well. In the end, we were around 10 people with enough food to feed an entire football […] More

  • Plum Crumble Cake Recipe

    Ingredients for the Base 150g Flour 1 Teaspoon Baking Powder 100g Sugar Vanilla Extract 2 eggs 100g soft Butter Combine 150g flour with a pinch of baking powder. Then add vanilla extract, 2 eggs & 100g butter (place it in the microwave for a few seconds if its still too cold). Mix the ingredients thoroughly […] More

  • Stuffed Peppers

    This is probably one of my favorite dishes and it’s so easy to make. Also, it can be fine-tuned with some other flavors if you like! Beef can be combined with rice, barley, pasta, cheese or just veggies to fill the peppers. Ingredients: 4 large red Peppers 500 g minced beef 1 Can peeled small […] More

  • Nussecken Recipe

    Nussecken can be translated as nutty corners but that sounds just weird – I prefer Nussecken. It’s kinda become a tradition to make these during Christmas in our family and I thought I could share the recipe with you guys. They are truly the best and they will change your life. True Story! Ingredients for the Pastry: 200mg flour […] More

  • DIY Wine

    When I think of a bottle of wine, the juice of fermented grapes immediately comes to mind. But there are also other ingredients one can use to make excellent and quality wine. Some of these ingredients include root vegetables, blackberries, plums, cereals, flower petals and rose hips. You certainly won’t find many of these types […] More

  • Quick Beer Bread Recipe

    A light bread that is given warmth and depth through quite a substantial amount of beer. It’s great left plain, or in the final 5 minutes of cooking, sprinkle on some grated yellow cheese and even some spring onion. Thick slices, slathered with butter are great for a gourmet sandwich and dunked in to soup, […] More

  • Beer Can Braai Butt Chicken Recipe

    Yeah, this one has an awful name, but it’s pretty awesome. Marinade a chicken for a good 24 hours before cooking. Open a can of beer and drink half, then spoon in a table spoon of your marinade. Shove, I mean, insert the beer up the chickens’ rear end. Place the entire thing balanced upright […] More

  • Seared Trout with Spinach Recipe

    The other day I popped over to my sister’s house for lunch. Now we have a little bit of a thing going, she goes shopping and then I raid her cupboards for the ingredients I want, and cook. It’s a win-win situation for the both of us. So you can imagine my excitement when I […] More

  • Fanta Cake

    As some of you know, it was my birthday on the weekend and on that special occasion, we baked a Fanta Cake. I tweeted on Friday, that Fanta Cake must surely be the best cake in the world. You must forgive me, I wasn’t thinking clearly as I was very excited. It’s not the best […] More

  • Thai Red Curry

    I love me a good curry. I want my curry to be so hot and spicy that I break out into an awkward forehead sweat – sexy, I know. There are so many varieties of curry that I am not being very descriptive. The truth is I really do love them all, except when the […] More

  • Microwave Mug Cake

    I haven’t got much of a sweet tooth so I am not one to keep chocolate or cake or anything of the sort at home. However sometimes I do get that little craving which annoying knocks on the inside of my skull saying, “Hey Kayli.. *knock knock* yeah you.. pssst, Kayli. I want chocolate. Now”. […] More