Most restaurants aren’t the most exciting places in the world – are they? Some can be. But most seem to copy each other, even the menus are similar. But while browsing the net, I came across Cabel’s Blog. On his trip to Japan while in the town of Kashiwa he experienced something truly unique. And I’d like to tell you about it…
While waiting for a business partner to arrive, he got approached by a cashier of a cafe and was asked to “please…buy something.” This seemed odd but he agreed, got up and purchased an orange juice. A few minutes later his order arrived but to his surprise, he didn’t get his orange juice. He didn’t even get juice. In front of him were an Appletizer and a “weird” candy-bar. He was quite certain that this wasn’t his order and went to approach the cashier. In broken English the cashier explained:
At this cafe, you get what the person before you ordered. The next person gets what you ordered.
Welcome to the Ogori cafe!
This concept is epic! How often do you find yourself in the same old restaurant ordering the same old dish – the one you have ordered a thousand times before! Now you can get to try something that you might not normally have ordered. I just love the entire concept. Also, what you want to buy for the next person is entirely up to you!
Of course, Cabel had one last thing to do. He ordered a little bit of everything: some ice cream, a few snacks and drinks. And then he left with a smile on his face. His one good deed for the day! I wonder if this would work in South Africa?