Brown rice sushi has launched at Salushi in Claremont for those looking for the healthier option with the same great flavor and freshness! There are several health benefits associated with brown rice.
Brown rice is rich in selenium which reduces the risk for developing common illnesses such as cancer, heart disease and arthritis. One cup of brown rice provides 80% of our daily manganese requirements which helps the body synthesize fats. Naturally occurring oils are beneficial for the body as these healthful fats help normalize cholesterol levels. Brown rice is considered a whole grain which is proven to reduce the buildup of arterial plaque and reduce the risk of heart disease and high cholesterol.
New Menu at Salushi
As of April, the following items are available in brown rice and red quinoa:
- California Rolls
- Nigiri
- Hand Rolls
- Maki
- Roses
- Brown Rice and sushi salad with a balsamic & soy reduction
Directions to Salushi
25 Protea Road, Claremont
Call (021) 671 4271