My favourite burger spot is expanding their menu all the time. After introducing gourmet hot dogs to their menu, they have now decided to treat us with Belgian waffles. From the pictures, they look absolutely amazing and a great option for dessert.
Real Belgian Waffles are served with maple syrup and cream or ice-cream for R40, while additional toppings are available for R10 each. Smarties, Flake, Bar-one, Crunchie, Peppermint crisp, lunch bar, marshmellow, fudge, Orea, nuts, chocolate sauce, black cheery, blueberry, and butterscotch can be added to build the best waffle ever created.
P.s.: These waffles are made with real Belgian Beer!
Gibson’s Gourmet Burgers and Ribs
Shop 153
Lower Level V&A Waterfront
Cape Town
Tel: (021) 418 3660/2