Gina proves that there is still Time to realise your Culinary Dreams.

At first glance, Gina Moakamedi is a disarming young woman, likely in her early twenties.

When we find her in the Sandton-based Signature restaurant kitchen, it is difficult to believe that this petite woman from Benoni is not a seasoned chef. She is a home cook.

Recently, Gina and two other home cooks surprised diners at the up-market Signature restaurant when it was revealed that they made the three-course meal instead of the restaurant’s professional culinary team.

  • She is one of the home cooks selected by Robertsons for the Famous for Flavour campaign, which aims to recognise and celebrate everyday cooks who are passionate about food, flavours and cooking for those around them.

The 35-year-old mother of three shares her experience, “I felt really honoured to be chosen for the Robertsons campaign, as it’s a brand that I resonate with. I’ve been using their spices since I was a teenager while learning to cook. I still use them today.”

Her ease as she manoeuvred around the kitchen in her chef’s jacket contrasts her rough day job as a mechanical engineer for The City of Johannesburg. As one of the few women in her industry and the oldest child in a family of three children, it is no wonder tackling tasks comes naturally to her.

When asked if she would ever consider leaving her field of work for a permanent role in the kitchen, she insists that engineering will always have a place in her heart. “It’s a career that serves humanity in bettering the world, and I get fulfilment from that.” She would, however, consider consulting part-time and running a secluded restaurant in a garden with a live band performing regularly.

“I would cook simple meals that are packed with flavour. A combination of South African, Mexican, Indian, Asian and Italian-inspired flavours. Lots of salads, pasta, curries, tacos, quesadillas, meat, seafood and sushi.”

If anyone can do it, Gina Moakamedi can.

  • Robertsons is inviting South Africans to enter the Famous for Flavour competition to stand a chance to win their share of close to R300 000 in prizes, including cash prizes of up to R20 000 for each of the top three home cooks.

To enter, the home cooks must make their famous dish using any Robertsons product, take a picture of themselves holding the dish, sign up on the What’s for Dinner website ( and upload their photo.

Recently, Gina and two other home cooks surprised diners at the up-market Signature restaurant when it was revealed that they made the three-course meal instead of the restaurant’s professional culinary team.

Written by Marvin

Founder of many things but FoodBlogJHB FoodBlogCT, FoodBlogDBN being my biggest project to date. UCT marketing graduate, Star Wars geek and Arsenal & Dortmund supporter. That's me!

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