FoodBlogCT News Week 9 2013

Thursday, the 28th of February

America`s 2012 wine exports hit record level

The Wine Institute on Thursday said US wine exports made a record $1.43 billion in revenue last year, posting strong growth for the third year in a row, according to the Associated Press. [read more]

Interactive Vegetable Infographic

Described as ‘the most extensive mapping of vegetables ever’ – this poster from Pop Chart Lab is an extensive look at over 400 different vegetables. [read more]

Bluefin Tuna Caught Near California Still Radioactive Years After Fukushima

Bluefin tuna just can’t catch a break. Weeks after it was reported that overfishing had reduced the Pacific population of the fish, which is popular in sushi bars, by over 96 percent, researchers have found trace levels of radiation still lingering in their flesh almost two years after the catastrophe at the nuclear plant in Fukushima, Japan. [read more]

House of Mandela Wines launches in America

For decades, Nelson Mandela’s name has been synonymous with political reform and the struggle against South African apartheid. Now with the launch of House of Mandela Wines, his daughter and granddaughter hope to add fine wine to the list of associations. [read more]

Wednesday, the 27th February

Is the Dietitians’ Trade Group in Bed With the Junk Food Industry?

The Academy represents 74,000 dietitians in the United States, and its mission is to promote optimal nutrition and well-being for all people. But according to an explosive report released by Michele Simon and her organization, the industry watchdog Eat Drink Politics, the Academy is sponsored by folks like ConAgra, the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association, Kellogg’s, Mars, and the National Dairy Council. [read more]

McDonalds introduces the McCurrywurst in Germany

German fast-food eaters are notoriously tough to please and McDonald’s admits business there has been sluggish. But now comes a possible solution in the form of McCurrywurst, an appealingly priced (€2.99) mix of pork bratwurst sausage chunks in a spicy tomato sauce accompanied by shaker packs of either mild or sharp curry powder. Will this turnaround sales? [read more]

The Many Health Benefits of Avocado

You probably know that avocados are an excellent source of healthful fats, but this whole food may also have other unique health benefits. [read more]

Soft Drinks need stricter warning labels

Last week, a New Zealand coroner linked the 2010 death of Natasha Harris, a 31-year-old mother of eight, to health complications brought on by her excessive consumption of Coca-Cola. [read more]

Tuesday, the 26th February

Know your Coffees [Infographic]

How much do you know about coffee types? Can you easily tell the difference between an espresso and a macchiato or do you need help? [read more]

KFC Employee Fired For Sharing Image Of Licking Food

Another day, another lesson on things you should not share on social media. A KFC employee was fired after posting a photo on Facebook of her licking (or getting really close to licking) a tub of mashed potatoes, reports The Johnson City Press. [read more]

A chocolate beer served in a chocolate glass!

What’s better than a chocolate beer? A chocolate glass to drink your chocolate beer of course. [read more]

Quinoa Boom Puts Stress On Bolivian Economics and Environment

The growing global demand for quinoa by health food enthusiasts isn’t just raising prices for the Andean “super grain” and living standards among Bolivian farmers. Quinoa fever is running up against physical limits. [read more]

Monday, the 25th February

Pancakes from around the World

Although most Americans envison a fluffy short stack when they hear the word ”pancakes,” this beloved breakfast dish takes on a multitude of forms around the world. Luckily, we stumbled upon this infographic from Visually which sheds light on the matter. [read more]

Stephen Colbert Explains Horse Meat Scandal Rocking Europe

Finally, someone has the guts to explain what is going on with the horse meat scandal in Europe that’s grabbed international headlines over the last few days. [read more]

Man steals $15,000 in rare Craft Beer

We’ve all come up with absurd exit strategies from our jobs, but few involve slowly stealing $15,000 worth of craft beer. That is unless your name is Adam James, and you worked at Avery Brewing in Boulder, CO. [read more]

Oprah has found a new favorite thing: a Deep-Fryer!

Oprah has found a new favorite thing. It’s a T-fal Acti-Fry deep fryer, and she is really excited about it. So excited that she jumped on Instagram to show the thing off. [read more]

FoodBlogCT News

Win a Dinner for two at The Hilton (comp closed)

V&A Market Review