Join the Ex Animo Wine Co wine, tapas and jazz party at La Boqueria!
The Ex Animo Wine Co. Wine Parties have built up a cult following in the last few years. This year they’ve teamed up with La Boqueria and the ever-loved Wine Menu to bring you a new installment on the 19th of August! Your ticket will allow you the opportunity to taste all the wines on the day.
Light tapas & Hispanic street food, wine and jazz included in the price. So top up your glass and hang out with us for the afternoon.
Come and meet the other producers on the day:
- Craven
- Hogan
- Intellego
- JH Meyer Signature Wines/Mother Rock
- Joostenberg
- Julien Schaal (Julien will be at his home in France, but his wines will be there)
- Luddite
- Restless River
- Thorne & Daughters
- Trizanne Signature Wines
- Van Loggerenberg
- Vuurberg
- Genevieve
- Spioenkop
- The Foundry
Want to take something home with you?
Wine Menu will make it possible for you to order your favourite wines to add to your cellar and enjoy after the event.
You can buy your tickets right here!

Directions to La Boqueria
17 3rd Avenue
011 325 0011